Tuesday 5 July 2011

Second second

 Once again I had to head over to Hartlepool today as it was the presentation of prizes for the TBI Spring photographic competition. Followers of this blog may recall that in their winter competition I came second with my "Spindrift" shot. This time I picked up second again with my group shot of sheep.
Family Portrait.
I think the fact that the two lambs are so different in size adds a bit of a story to the shot which made it quite appealing.
 However, the winning shot was a simple but stunning shot of daffodils by "Tete-en-l'air". Do take a look at the flickr site to see the shot. Details are also there about the new Summer competition, anyone can enter, it's free and if I can get second then there is hope for anyone.
Good luck!


  1. Well done Mr.Beck :o)..Thats a fab photo just like your 'spin drift' which is one of my overall fave photos of yours. That daffodil shot is a stunner too.
