Thursday 28 July 2011

On high

The forecast looked pretty good for an overnight trip so I headed up to Shelter Crags near Crinkle Crags for a wildcamp. carrying the extra kit, tent, sleeping bag etc is a bit of a pain especialy as I carry the dog food etc as well but for nights like these its well worth the effort in the end.
 Even thought the sunset wasn't as dramatic as I would have liked the swirling low cloud added a real sense of atmosphere. Sadly the compact camera cant capture the low light as well as a DSLR would but thats something that I have to live with for now.
Dawn next morning was different, perfectly calm with some wonderful warming light. I was able to take it all in high above the Langdale valley which even had a touch of low mist for good measure.
Dawn over the Scafells
Coffee above Langdale.
If you would like to see the full set of the photos then do pay a visit to the On Location section of the website:

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