Thursday 14 July 2011

The Golden Hour

  As I work in my studio I am able to look out across the farmland and moors to the south. The evening sun often casts its last light over this landscape and I can watch the warming colours as the sun sinks over to the west. So it was last night, I could see that there was potentially a good sunset taking shape so I headed out along the lane with the dogs to get a good view. Actually the sunset was pretty plain, no clouds but just a red ball dipping below the horizon. However I did get one good shot, as I walked up through the field a Texel Tup was standing proud in the pasture. Whether he was warming himself in the sun or not I dont know but as he was watching the dogs I mangaged to catch the last of the sun lighting up his front.
The Golden Fleece.
Yet again, another case of right place, right time.

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