Thursday 30 June 2011

Goldsborough glow.

  Following the rather nice sunset on Tuesday I took a drive out this evening to give the dogs a bit of a leg stretch up onto Cotherstone Moor. I timed it in the hope that we may get a repeat of the colours of the setting sun as we did the night before. A short walk across the moor took us up to the Millstone grit outcrop that is Goldsborough, this is one of my favourite places in the dale with excellent views across the wide landscape. just as I got there the sun dropped below a layer of cloud and lit the crags with a golden glow.
I am hoping to do a bit of work up here in the near future so this was a good chance to check out some of the crags of this outcrop (is that a witches face in the photograph? lol)
 As I headed home the sun did indeed put up a last touch of rich colour so i just had to take a shot or two.


  1. Ahhh--a great way to start my days---checking out this blog ! Thank you, Andy.

  2. Many thanks Gretchen.

  3. Goldsborough=glorious !! Enlarged...breathtaking.
