Tuesday 14 June 2011

Down the lane.

 Only time for a short walk this morning so I took the dogs along the lane from the house. This is quite a regular leg stretch for us as it avoids using the car and very sledom do we see traffic along the way. Plenty of life in the adjoining fields but by keeping to the lane I can let the dogs run a bit free but still keep a close eye on them. The verges and hedgerows are a good hiding place for young birds such as Pheasants, Partridge etc so I have to keep both of them under fairly close control.
 Less than half a mile from the house we have a couple of hay meadows which are currently in full colour and on such a nice day the sight of the meadow really is a wonderful sight.
Just as I was down getting this photograph the dogs who were sitting close by me were watching something along the lane intently. There sitting on the grass verge about 10m away was a young hare casually going about his business. As soon as I moved he crept into the longer vegitation. Making the dogs sit and stay I crept up to see if the hare was alright and to get a better view. He was fine so I quickly took a couple of photos before retreating back to the dogs.
We walked off in the other direction and left the hare to enjoy the summer sunshine.

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