Wednesday 7 September 2011

A bit of free publicity.

 It's not my thing at this time to go out seeking publicity for my photographs so they only get promoted through my websites or social networking sites such as Flickr or Facebook. So when I got asked last week to provided two photos for use in a couple of articles I was surprised to say the least (and quite chuffed of course).
 The first was for a blog post for the Liverpool Echo and they used this shot of Steeple.

 The second photo was the photo "coffee and breakfast" taken high above Great Langdale and featured in a recent blog post. This request was from a walking magazine for a future edition. Of course it may get use at the size of a small postage stamp (or not at all) so I wait with baited breath.
  I appreciate there are much better photographers out there with all singing and all dancing kit who get their work in magazines on a regular basis but there is just something quite pleasing about getting work selected out of the blue.

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